Transform Your Organization

Drive new data-enabled revenue opportunities and mission impact.

Accelerate your organization's success

Accelerate your organization's success

Your easy button

Koverse is your "easy button" for creating complete data-driven solutions. We understand all of the complex infrastructure challenges inherent in making data work. Our platform seamlessly integrates all the necessary pieces of modern and scalable data architecture, allowing your teams to focus on work that delivers the most value. Our founders also created Apache Accumulo, the scalable and secure key-value store at the heart of the Koverse Platform.

Proven technology

Our solutions platform leverages some of the world's most advanced technologies. Koverse enables global industry leaders to build scalable, secure and high-performing solutions.

No one is better at doing what we do. Our team’s unique experience and expertise enables us to tackle the most challenging problems. Our founders were among the first modern data scientists at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), building the data infrastructure to handle the most complex challenges with unprecedented scale, security and performance. Our founders also created Apache Accumulo, the scalable and secure key-value store at the heart of the Koverse Platform. Accumulo is widely-used in the most demanding environments.

Questions? Ready to get started?

We invite you to learn about how Koverse delivers strategic value by efficiently managing complex and sensitive data.

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